Gigabyte Xpress Install

Gigabyte Xpress Install 4,3/5 458 votes

How do I install gigabyte drivers? Select Xpress Install or just the Ethernet driver. Once your ethernet driver is set up you can get all the. Solved How do i install a gigabyte network.

Sorry to bump this thread, but I didn't want to create a new one. I finished setting up the DS3 (rev 3.3, F10 bios) yesterday, and I too am unable to find the 'Xpress BIOS Rescue' utility. The CD that came with the board is bootable and boots to XpressRecovery2, which is a HDD backup tool (it creates an image, like Ghost). Both the manual and the online FAQ describe the process of using XpressRecovery2 to create and restore a HDD image, but make no reference to the BIOS, let alone the Virtual Dual BIOS (part of Xpress BIOS Rescue?).


The CD also contains Xpress Install, which simply installs the chipset drivers under Windows. I also created a bootable CD with the file from the gigabyte link posted above, hoping that it would have the Xpress BIOS util, but it was the same XpressRecovery2 tool I mentioned earlier. And the manual has zero info on the Virtual Dual BIOS and the Xpress BIOS util.

Also, browsing the Gigabyte site, there appears to be something called Xpress3 (contains Xpress Install, Xpress Bios Rescue, Xpress Recovery 2): But again, additional info is missing. I beleive you have found an error I made, since I have the DQ6 with dual bios chips I did not actually install this myself as there is no need unlike the DS3. It appears for no good reason I can think of that a) my DQ6 manual is incorrect stating that bios recovery is in the Xpress Recovery 2 package. B) Gigabye did not document (what a shock) or update the DS3 manual properly, I just looked at my downloaded version of the DS3 3.3 manual and it still refers to the Xpress Recovery 2 package as you have already discovered. C) I had found this information in a FAQ on Giabybtes web site and either they had it wrong as to where the utility was located or I screwed it up. I am checking now, as I am sure I remember seeing a description of what it was and how it worked, I just have to find it again.

Really glad you pointed this error out, I will do my best to get it sorted as I still feel it will save some people major greif. If I have to I will attempt to get information out of Gigabyte and will at least tell them they need to update the manuals with a nice nasty-gram. Edit: Gah I see what I did, I found the same link, the package is called Xpress 3 (apparently) and does include the bios recovery utility, but they also talk about Xpress Recovery 2 which was also in the Xpress 2 package. Very confusing and they tripped me up. Worlds Downloading and burning a CD now so I can try it, as I have a DQ6 there is no telling what will happen so if I am not back in a while you will know that trying to run this on a DQ6 is not a very bright idea, Warp 9 now Mr Scott!!!!

Wtf I am beginnging to think the 3 is a screw up and should be the trademark symbol this makes no sense. Thanks, Bill, for doing this. I have been searching the web for information on the Xpress Bios Recovery tool. I'm very new to the whole OC thing, so I'm going through your guide step-by-step.

I noticed, though, that sometimes the computer is unhappy about booting. I want to take the memory to its limits, but at the times when the comp feels a bit unhappy about booting up, I say a bit of a prayer to the OC gods that the comp will at least boot to BIOS. Or that if I have to reset the CMOS, that everything will go well. I really want to have this utility for peace of mind. I suppose, though, that peace of mind is not compatible with the overclocking mindset.

Oh no, there is no reason you cant overclock it and trust it too. Its one of the reasons I go to such much time and effort on the memory so that in the end there will be no guessing and you can choose how close to the edge you want to push it. One thing I am carefull to do is that if it does go into a prolonged attempt to boot, shutdown and reboot cycle is that after about 4 tries and I decide I need to clear the cmos. I am very carefull to catch it right when it powers down and flip the power switch on the back. I never try to turn it off while its attempting to come up. I have no idea if this is really doing anything but I just am trying to make sure I am not killing the power while the machine is trying to figure out 'good' settings and might be writing to the bios.

As to be expected, less than stellar response from Gigabyte Tech Suport. I tried again: The link you gave me is not for the product/software I was inquiring about. The above refers to the Xpress Recovery 2 utiliy which is a hard drive data backup utility, I am looking for the BIOS recovery utiliy: Xpress Bios Rescue – Auto recovers damaged BIOS to its original state! BIOS Image is stored in your HDD hidden area automatically when system boots up. Bios image is Indestructible by any software or viruses. Assure BIOS is functional at all times No CD / Floppy Disk support needed Fully automated process, no command line needed No worry for storing wrong BIOS data Reduce RMA rates No additional cost with similar protection as DualBIOSTM Xpress Bios Rescue is available with all GIGABYTE motherboards which produced after around May 2004) Perhaps there is something I do not understand? Is Xpress Bios Rescue not a standalone utiliy?