Mechwarrior 3 Update Patch

Mechwarrior 3 Update Patch 3,9/5 594 votes

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Solaris Design Notes: While there will be no major change in format for Solaris Season 4, we did want to put out this design note. At Mech_Con we received a large amount of feedback revolving around the Solaris game mode from numerous attendees including some of the higher ranked Solaris competitors. While there was a lot of constructive feedback that we have been investigating internally, due to the holiday season, there was not enough time to adequately implement any changes for Season 4, even on points that we would like to target for improvements in the future. We wanted to put out this note to say that while Season 4 will maintain a similar format to season 3, we are investigating feedback that we have received at Mech_Con and on the Forums for potential improvements in future Solaris seasons.

Patch Notes Archive: Change Logs and Update News. Jump to content. Patch Notes Archive. MechWarrior and Battletech are registered trade-marks of. 5: So now you have Mechwarrior 3 installed, a CD so it doesn't complain, and the 1.2 patch correctly installed. However, Mechwarrior 3 is based off of older tech and doesn't play nice with modern computers.

Streak Missile Design Notes: While released with a patch targeting a number of LRM based changes in August 2018, the tightening of the lock on assistance angle was equally intended to affect streaks as it was longer ranged weapons. The previous implementation gave too much leeway for lock on weapons to target highly mobile and maneuverable mechs, which in turn, placed a very easy to use hard counter to high mobility Light and Medium Mechs in a way we felt discouraged their use compared to slower, heavier chassis'. While this change has made their overall use against lighter faster targets more fair in that it requires a bit more attention in order to both acquire and maintain locks against faster targets, after months of observing to see how they have settled into the overall game, we felt that they could use a bit more of a boost to provide more of a payoff for needing to adapt to the added challenge of acquiring locks due to the lock on assistance changes and Artemis loophole closures.

For this, we are choosing to tune the weapon to act similarly to how it operates within the lore, with components being weighted towards more of a bell-curve distribution of how the missiles attempt to seek components. With the Center Torso weighted the most heavily, and tapering out to the Arm and Leg components which are weighted less heavily then the torso's. While this weighting will affect how the missiles attempt to seek components, it's important to note that the missiles do not automatically hit the location that they are seeking, but will travel along a path and damage the first thing they come into contact with. Torso twisting, or being mindful of your orientation to the firer will greatly affect the final distribution of how the missiles impact the target. Blackjack Design Notes: While the recent heat sink changes gave many low engine cap Mechs a bit of an overall performance boost, we felt that the Blackjacks didn't receive as much of a boost as we would have liked to have seen compared to other similar 'Mechs.

We have opted to give it a bit more of a sustainability boost by converting many of the existing heat dissipation quirks into global weapon heat reduction quirks, as well as provide a handful of other quirk changes and consolidations to have it better fit into its light weight ranged support role. Piranha Design Notes: While at Mech_Con, the Piranha was easily the top 'Mech that was commented on by a number of attendees. With a strong sentiment along a number of people spoken to that the current 'Glass Cannon' nature of the Piranha still leans a bit too far into the reliable side, especially within the various Public Queues in the game. Monitoring the performance of the 'Mech series since the last time we touched it, we are inclined to agree with this position. We still find it's performance to be a bit too reliable and easy to do well in, even in pitched battles where a defender is actively attempting to destroy the 'Mech, and not simply trying to run away. As the Piranha's core theme is built around it's massive weapon loads for a 'Mech of it's size, we will not be doing anything to disrupt its offensive output, but supplementary bonus' present on it will be phased out of many of the high offense variants and mobility further reduced to be a bit more on the restrictive side for a 'Mech of it's size to offset the large offensive advantages it continues to maintain. Executioner Design Notes: It was brought to our attention that a particular torso yaw setting for the EXE that was vital to its use as an assault that relies purely on its mobility to survive was not rolled into its base stats and that the chassis has suffered with its absence.